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Leadman cares about people in disaster zones


At 14:28 on May 12, 2008, the astounding earthquake struck Wenchuang county Szechwan province. The sudden disaster brought tremendous hurt and suffering to our folks in disastrous area. Meanwhile, the heart of every Chinese was shocked. The whole nation is going through a tough road again!
After the calamity occurred, Leadman decided to join the action of  earthquake relief as soon as possible. We sponsored donation for rehabilitation and reconstruction of disastrous area after the massive earthquake. Just in one day, employee’s donated CNY 10,108.20. Leadman company donated another CNY 100,000.00.
Natural disaster is catastrophic, but we try out best to help them. Though we are far from Szechwan, we may help the victims with our contribution. “When the people in one area have difficulties, all others will support them.” This is one of Chinese tradition. Leadman is always ready to help them.   
We wish that all the dead people will rest peacefully forever and those who are alive should take care of themselves. We believe that all clouds will be cleared and light will be back again!