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Leadman holds 2014 Debate Contests
To improve staff’s logical reasoning ability,exercise language skills,increase communication between each others,rich spare-time life, creat a group of vibrant, high-quality talented staff team, cultivate creative spirit and sense of community,the company organized the first debate contest themed “exercise eloquence skills and show self-style”.
April 29th afternoon,the preliminary round of the Leadman 2014 first debate contest was held at the training room of Leadman 3rd Mansion.
Before the debates,Leadman Best Employee for the first quarter of 2014 are awarded with the Certificate of Honor,bonuse card and Medal of Honor,by Leadman CEO Mr.Wang Yixing,Leadman Vice President Mr.Chen Yudong,and Vice President Mr.Wang Jianhua.
The preliminary round consists of 8 teams representing each division or department.The motion of debate is “which one is more important to the development of enterprises,responsibility or institutionalization”.
The guests and judges are CEO&Vice Board Director Mr.Wang Yixing,Vice President for M&S Mr.Chen Yudong, Vice President for Operation and Production Mr.Wang Jianhua,and directors from various divisions and departments.
After furious debates four teams win and advance into next round of debate.This debate is not only a competition to win,but also a wonderful performance which shows wisdom and skill of debators.
Let us all expect the exciting semifinal and final round of debate.
April 29th afternoon,the preliminary round of the Leadman 2014 first debate contest was held at the training room of Leadman 3rd Mansion.
Before the debates,Leadman Best Employee for the first quarter of 2014 are awarded with the Certificate of Honor,bonuse card and Medal of Honor,by Leadman CEO Mr.Wang Yixing,Leadman Vice President Mr.Chen Yudong,and Vice President Mr.Wang Jianhua.
The preliminary round consists of 8 teams representing each division or department.The motion of debate is “which one is more important to the development of enterprises,responsibility or institutionalization”.
The guests and judges are CEO&Vice Board Director Mr.Wang Yixing,Vice President for M&S Mr.Chen Yudong, Vice President for Operation and Production Mr.Wang Jianhua,and directors from various divisions and departments.
After furious debates four teams win and advance into next round of debate.This debate is not only a competition to win,but also a wonderful performance which shows wisdom and skill of debators.
Let us all expect the exciting semifinal and final round of debate.