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2016 Leadman Annual Meeting
Leadman hold annual meeting on 29/01/2016. Each annual meeting was, in the fullest sense of the word, a forum. There were more tough challenges and opportunities this year than any year in recent memory. Today is the day to move forward towards your bright tomorrow.
Leadman staffs gave wonderful performances and the celebrations were held in a cordial, friendly and warm atmosphere. We offered rewards for model employees who have performed well in the previous year. There were attractive lucky draw prizes to be won throughout the night.
Imagine how cozy that enjoy buffet in such festive atmosphere, with wonderful live show surrounding you as well as the lucky draw. This evening will definitely be an unforgettable memory of yours!

Leadman staffs gave wonderful performances and the celebrations were held in a cordial, friendly and warm atmosphere. We offered rewards for model employees who have performed well in the previous year. There were attractive lucky draw prizes to be won throughout the night.
Imagine how cozy that enjoy buffet in such festive atmosphere, with wonderful live show surrounding you as well as the lucky draw. This evening will definitely be an unforgettable memory of yours!
