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The Director of MCDR Visited Beijing Leadman Biochemistry Co.
On 6th, August, 2010, Mr. Jin Jun, the vice director of division of high tech industries, MCDR (Beijing Municipal Commission of Development and Reform) visited Leadman Group. Chen Peng, the vice general manager, Wang Lanzhen, the director of R&D center and Chen Kui, the Director of Diagnostic Center for Translational Medicine accompanied with Director Jin and answered his questions.
During his visit, Jin Jun mentions that the government is deeply concerned with the development of IVD industry. He expected that more and more enterprises would concentrate on innovation as Leadman did in the past 10 years. He visited the R&D center, production plant as well as some administrative departments and spoke highly of the achievements that Leadman has gained in the recent years.
About Leadman
Beijing Leadman Biochemistry Co., Ltd. (“Leadman”) was established in November 1997. Leadman is Headquartered in Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area (BDA), it owns the R&D center and reference laboratory reaching advanced international standards, and has passed the assessment of quality system by Beijing Drug Administration.
Since the very beginning, Leadman has treated the quality of its products as the lifeline of the enterprise, and passed certifications of YY/T0287 idt ISO13485 Medical Devices – Quality Management Systems and GB/T19001 idt ISO9001Quality Management Systems. The products we produce cover multiple fields including clinical chemistry, chemiluminescence immunodiagnostics, molecular diagnostics and biochemical raw materials. Up to now, Leadman has established 1 wholly-owned subsidiary and a nationwide agency network.
Steeve Zhang
Branding Strategy Dept, Leadman Group.
Tel: 67855500——8562