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Leadman will soon attend the 71th CMEF(Spring) Expo
April 17th-20th.2014,Beijing Leadman Biochemistry Co.,Ltd is attending the 71th CMEF(Spring) Expo as an exhibitor at Shenzhen.
During the exhibiton, Leadman will show up with the self-developed automated chemiluminescence immunoassay analyzer,CI1000.
Exhibition Address:Fuhua No.3 Road,Futian District,Shenzhen,China
Exhibition Date: April 17th-20th ,9:00-16:30
Leadman Booth No.:H2-C02
China International Medicinal Equipment Fair (CMEF), founded in 1979, is held twice a year - spring and autumn. After 30 years of continuous innovation and self-improvement, CMEF has become the largest exhibition of medical equipment, related products and services in the Asia-Pacific region. The exhibition widely covers ten thousands of products such as medical imaging, in vitro diagnosis, electronics, optics, first aid, rehabilitation nursing, medical information technology and outsourcing services, and it provides services to the entire medical industry chain from the source to the end of the medical equipment industry in a direct and all-round way.
IVD China Summit brings mounts of IVD enterprises together,whose products’market is the most complicated and also the most promising market segment among others of medical equipment field.Relying of the opportunity of China Medical Equipment Fair,this Summit has become the highest-level IVD summit with the most updated content,largest information and biggest influence.
During the exhibiton, Leadman will show up with the self-developed automated chemiluminescence immunoassay analyzer,CI1000.
Exhibition Address:Fuhua No.3 Road,Futian District,Shenzhen,China
Exhibition Date: April 17th-20th ,9:00-16:30
Leadman Booth No.:H2-C02
China International Medicinal Equipment Fair (CMEF), founded in 1979, is held twice a year - spring and autumn. After 30 years of continuous innovation and self-improvement, CMEF has become the largest exhibition of medical equipment, related products and services in the Asia-Pacific region. The exhibition widely covers ten thousands of products such as medical imaging, in vitro diagnosis, electronics, optics, first aid, rehabilitation nursing, medical information technology and outsourcing services, and it provides services to the entire medical industry chain from the source to the end of the medical equipment industry in a direct and all-round way.
IVD China Summit brings mounts of IVD enterprises together,whose products’market is the most complicated and also the most promising market segment among others of medical equipment field.Relying of the opportunity of China Medical Equipment Fair,this Summit has become the highest-level IVD summit with the most updated content,largest information and biggest influence.