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Greeting National Day, traveling to Yunmeng Mountain
On 27 September,2008, all Leadman people were organized to travel to Yunmeng Mountain, a beautiful mountain called “Small Huangshan”.
After enjoying the meal in the noon, many people went to drift in the current. Although the water was not abundant in the whole, some parts of the river were twisted in the water. Some people couldn’t wait to dive into the water. Some people were enjoying the wonderful scenery, some were in the trouble that the boat was stopped by the rock, and the companion men dived into the water with no hesitation to push the boat. After those brave men went on the shore, people were relaxed and enjoyed the good time.
After the rest of one night, Leadman people went to climb the Yunmeng mountain.The mountain was called “dream mountain” in the past. The fabulous scenery was praised as the master piece of the God.
After two-day traveling, people were fully relaxed and they would devote to the work with great passion and enthusiasm.