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Workshop with hospitals
In order to enhance our communications with hospitals and to promote long-term cooperation, Leadman held a symposium with some clinical examination experts from parts of the hospitals in Beijing on 26th Apr, 2007.
The meeting was held by Zhang Haitao, who is the marketing director. Chen Peng, the deputy manager, expressed sincere welcome on the expert’s arrival, and appreciated the expert’s great support to Leadman in recent years. During the meeting, Wang Lanzhen, the director of technology and quality department, had a deep discussion with the experts about company’s important projects and the development of the industry.
After the meeting, the experts visited our company building under the guide of Chen Peng. The experts were amazed on the development and the achievement of Leadman in the past ten years.
The symposium offered an opportunity for the experts to communicate and the experts are very satisfied with Leadman’s preparation and organization of the meeting. They gave a good evaluation on the enthusiasm of Leadman’s staff.